Work in update with due dates

16 09 2010

Hello All,

In an effort to align what might seem like a lot of work to do with weeks in which we engaged in the activities, I am re-posted the work update.  This should give all of you an idea of how well you are utilising in class time.  I would expect that homework would consist of primarily catching up on work that isn’t completed during class and taking Aries notes.  Of course, while the room is quiet and heads are down while I meet with students individually to conference about their work, I am assuming that you are heartily tapping away at work and not shooting at your classmate’s avatar in an online world.  While I run the four finger swipe across mousepads from time to time to ensure you are on task, it is essential that you are taking responsibility to complete work if I give class time to do so.

As I look back over the weeks, we have done a fair bit of activity, but remember that I have you for four subjects, and the grid reflects all of this class work, with the exception of Maths.

There is no doubt that Aries is a far more substantial task than first anticipated and a week wasn’t going to cut it, especially since we needed to review how to read for comprehension for some of that week.  But chipping away slowly, and keeping up with tasks with time provided means that you shouldn’t be working solidly into the night (as I often do 🙂 ).  This is also why we will look to have a bit of fun by playing games with that content instead of notes/test only.

Review what you owe here with deadlines at the top:  Work handed in with due dates

and see me if you have any questions.  I think I have met with most of you who appear to be behind and hopefully have reset some deadlines to get you back on track.  Over the next weeks until the end of term, I will continue to provide time in class to complete the work that is currently on the grid, and do not anticipate adding anything except Maths tasks in consultation with Ms. Daniels.  You have a test just prior to end of term in Maths.

I also think that you are still getting used to the fact that I simply won’t take substandard work as a final submission.  I will continue to give it back to you with comment and correction until it is done correctly, so that your report will reflect what you are capable of, rather than what you handed in to be ‘finished with the task’.

Thank you to those of you who are running on schedule!  Tomorrow you have two more solid hours with which to complete work.  Please do not start your picture book until you have completed at least a first draft of the Zoo response.

-Mr M



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