14 09 2010

Go to the website http://www.fremantleprison.com.au

Then click on the Education Link.  And select the Education Resources Page.

Then you need to download the resource “Convict Biographies”

You are then required to read through the biographies of the convicts.  Complete the attached table and save in your S & E File as “Convicts in the Swan River Colony”


Work in Update

12 09 2010

Work Handed In as of 120910

Have a look to see how you are going…

We will not be in the T&E area as much this week coming…

Also, getting notes out about an excursion to the Art Gallery of WA this week!

-Mr M

Work Handed In Update as of 6 Sept, 2010

6 09 2010

Work Handed in as of 060910

Here is the most recent update – finally, my inbox is empty! Please check this list for accuracy, as I will be making phone calls home for students who are falling behind to ensure that you are locked away in your room doing homework instead of whatever it is you are doing that isn’t homework!

Now, I have not indicated anything for students who have submitted a draft of the Zoo response and have more work to do for that assessment piece.  I would like Zoo responses to be complete to a high standard before I mark it as handed in.  Most of you have submitted a draft and I have made comments, amendments and deletions as well as re-writes and clarifications of what I would like to see for this item wither in a class conference (likely if you submitted it as a keynote or a pdf) or as an email response.  Please check your inbox, as mine is now empty.

I don’t think that any items in my inbox were ever more than a week old, so please ensure that you are doing final drafts after my comments in the same timeframe.  I would expect Zoo responses to be completed prior to picture books, as it is a prep activity that will let me know you understand how picture books are constructed.  This is especially the case for Zoo responses, as I have taken the text back to Ashdale Primary School where it lives (not in a cage) and the longer you wait, the harder it will be to think of examples for your body paragraphs.

Some deadlines:

-I would expect to start seeing some short story drafts this week.  Remember, you need to check in with me at different stages of the task to ensure you are on track.  Because we have bulked up on T&E these last couple of weeks, you may need to complete this as homework.

-T&E task 1 should be wrapping up.  I should be looking at your investigation for photography now (which is what most of you have picked as a second project).

Zoo should be in the bag, as well as all of that other stuff from ages ago.

-I need your maths activities from last week.

-You will need to complete your art investigations by the end of week 9 – NO EXCEPTIONS!  They should be emailed to me and when I have given you the thumbs up, loaded onto your blog for Mrs. Luck (our visiting art talent) to look at to ensure she is giving you the requisite skills to be successful with your painting for next term.

-Talk to your parents about the $10-15 spend to get yourself materials for art that you can use in class, and then keep.  Again, there are plenty of materials available, but you might want something new to work with in this area and you may find that you want to be able to do it in your spare time after getting skilled up.  I will put out a letter when Mrs. Luck sends me a recommended list.

Aries Update

2 09 2010

Hello All,

In an effort to make Aries stuff more interesting for you, I propose that we make a game out of it.  I will assign a committee group to each chapter, and that group will be responsible for coming up with a game that will help us to practice the information that needs to be mastered.

I will do a game for next Friday (likely a game show race sort of thing) for next week.

The following committees are responsible for the following chapters:

Finance:  Chapter 2

Time Management:  Chapter 3

Project management:  Chapter 4

Curriculum:  Chapter 5

Advertising:  Chapter 6

Food:  Chapter 7

Attendance:  Chapter 8

Documenting:  Chapter 9

Resources:  Chapter 10

It is my recommendation that you spend Friday Aries time working on your game, and homework time reading and getting the material from the chapter.  It is only a recommendation…  We may include some additional sessions in week 10.

-Mr M

Week 6 schedule

23 08 2010

Just a quick note to say this is what our week together will likely look like:

Monday D&T
Tuesday English and Maths
Wednesday D&T
Thursday English and Maths
Thursday D&T
Friday Aries
Friday D&T
Friday Catch up period

Work in update

18 08 2010

Hi All,

Just posting the latest update.  If you are missing something on here, email to me.  If you think you have already sent it in (there are currently about 6 half finished items in my inbox at the moment that are awaiting action from students to complete and file in my Work Checked In area), and it isn’t reflected here, see me in class!

Work in Updated as of 180810

Some of you have really caught up in the last couple of days – well done.  Others are falling even further behind.  This will put you in a precarious position after tomorrow’s assignment is given on the Zoo activity and will mean that you are rushing activities which will not give me your best efforts.

Stay on top of your work!

-Mr M

Naming Protocol – Very Important!

17 08 2010

Hi Everyone,

Very exciting times – many of you have finished your investigations, or are almost there and it looks like you will be making stuff in no time.  As a part of feeling out this new way of doing things, I have found that as emails come in, I open things and am getting assessments mixed up as you aren’t putting names on them.

From now on, all items emailed to me should start with your name, then subject name, then assessment name, and finally version number.  So it your investigation submission would look like this:  danielmccullen_tande_Investigation1_v1

I got some very creative names for your investigations, and I am already starting to get a second submission from many of you.  This would mean that your next submission would look like this:  danielmccullen_tande_investigation_v2 (see how the version has gone to 2?  Now I know that it is updated from a previous version and I can go back and look at what improvements I requested from you before.

Thanks All!

-Mr M

Work handed in update as of 12:00 Monday 16 August

16 08 2010

Hello All,

Just a quick note about Aries testing…

I recognise that we may need to revisit Aries online activity this week and next as we had to review note-taking skills and active reading on Tuesday and you had the carnival on Thursday.  This will likely take us a bit of time, but you will be expected to complete much of this for homework as we are already running short on time.

As I indicated on Friday, you need to have finished your investigation (completely) in order to pick up tools on Monday.  Only one student sent me the completed investigation for T&E.  So each day that you haven’t completed an investigation is another day that you cannot pick up tools.  I will expect my inbox to be full tonight.

Your investigation must contain all seven parts that are found on the Creation Page, otherwise it is not complete!

Here is an updated list of work in/still owing for English tasks as well:

Work in Update 160810

Parents, please have a look and talk to your student about their progress in and out of class.  Your student likely has homework to do right now!

-Mr M

7 08 2010

Here is the most recent update of what I have had a chance to have a look at or mark:

SSTP Work In as of 070810

Have a look at this spreadsheet.  If there is something missing, you need to bring it to me, as I will not be looking for this work on your blogs any more.

-Mr M

Aries Technology Learning Certificate in Computer Literacy

6 08 2010

Here is the web address of the Aries site to log in to begin your course:


We will be doing your first certificate for week 4.  The online unit is self-explanatory and easy to navigate.  Log in on Monday in my classes only, and begin your reading.

Take your time.  If you get 90% on your first unit, you will get to do another free of charge.  These certificates are nationally recognised and will look fantastic in your portfolio.

The learning environment will require you to read a section, and then take a test on that section.  Make sure you are ready to take each test before you take it.  Take notes as you read through regarding major points made on each page.  Quiz each other in small groups prior to taking any tests!  This is important to ensure you qualify for the second unit.

A word about taking notes:
After each paragraph, ask yourself what that paragraph was telling you.  If you can recall, take down the important details in dot point form (from your mind, not copied from the browser) and move on.  If you can’t recall, read the paragraph again, until you do understand the content and can make a few notes about it.  Look up any words that you don’t understand.  We reviewed this active study activity in class today, as many students were simply reading without taking notes or engaging with the text or copying sections from the page yesterday, and that isn’t learning.

Happy learning!

-Mr M